MLK, Actions and Allyship

MLK, Actions and Allyship

While it’s true that Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that the white moderate of his time was “more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice,” with which I do not relate in the big, I can definitely see myself in his accusation at the level of the day-to-day. In a corporate setting, have you held your tongue as you’ve been the recipient or observer of a micro-aggression? I have, and I regret not having spoken up while it was happening.

Creating Community During COVID

Creating Community During COVID

As the seasons have changed, so too has the news cycle. Now, news of the U.S. general election, spikes in the pandemic and the SCOTUS nominee confirmation hearings crowd out space for continued dialogue about systemic racism and unconscious bias. However, we cannot consider the former without reckoning with the latter at both macro- and micro- levels.