Executive Coaching

Thank You, Next Job

Thank You, Next Job

Depending on where you fall after your firm’s profits are distributed, you may decide to take part in the lateral migration that takes place every year in Biglaw after the books are closed and disbursements made. Before you put yourself on the market, however, you may want to consider some profile-raising basics to make yourself as attractive a candidate as possible.

Leadership Shadow Boxing

Leadership Shadow Boxing

According to Senn Delaney Chairman Dr. Larry Senn and Jim Hart, Heidrick & Struggles senior advisor, “To become effective leaders, we must become aware of our shadows and then learn to have our actions match our message.” As presidential candidates vie for the position with arguably the longest leadership shadow in the world, I’ll be watching for what type of shadow they cast.

Executive Coaching: How it Works

Executive Coaching: How it Works

At Breakthrough, we follow Columbia University’s executive and organizational coaching model. It can be broken down into three phases: 1. Context (“What’s up?”); 2. Content (“What ‘matters?’”) and 3. Conduct (“What’s next?”). This post describes the work we do with our clients in each of the three phases.