Five Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team

Five Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team

With more than 40% of employees around the world interested in changing jobs this year, leaders need to go out of their way to ensure their remote team members feel included as they adjust to managing hybrid in-person and remote teams.

We offer five tips for organizations to help their remote workers feel valued and included.

Good-Hearted Good Business

Good-Hearted Good Business

What percentage of the global workforce do you think Microsoft’s Work Trend Index found is considering leaving their current employer this year?

A. 15%

B. 25%

C. 40%

If you answered C, you win! Your prize? Read the rest of this post to find out why and what employers can do about it.

Wrestling in the Mud

Wrestling in the Mud

What do you want?

It seems like a simple enough question, yet it’s one that many of my clients genuinely struggle to answer. Many can name benefits that flow from what they want, like “happiness,” or “success,” or even, “success without sacrificing time with my family.” These are fantastic ideals, but can you name what you truly, deeply, unshakably want from the core of your being? For some, grappling with this question can feel like Jacob wrestling with the angel.

MLK, Actions and Allyship

MLK, Actions and Allyship

While it’s true that Martin Luther King, Jr. stated that the white moderate of his time was “more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice,” with which I do not relate in the big, I can definitely see myself in his accusation at the level of the day-to-day. In a corporate setting, have you held your tongue as you’ve been the recipient or observer of a micro-aggression? I have, and I regret not having spoken up while it was happening.

Thank You, Next Job

Thank You, Next Job

Depending on where you fall after your firm’s profits are distributed, you may decide to take part in the lateral migration that takes place every year in Biglaw after the books are closed and disbursements made. Before you put yourself on the market, however, you may want to consider some profile-raising basics to make yourself as attractive a candidate as possible.

I Vote for Love

I Vote for Love

With the United States so divided while in the throes of a pivotal election and being in the wake of a summer in which our country was grappling with its foundation deeply rooted in structural racism, the passage assigned for this past Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary about the interwoven instructions to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves couldn’t be timelier.