Mark Roy Publishes Academic and Trade Journal Articles on Leadership Development Programs

NEW YORK, August 25, 2023—Breakthrough’s Founder and Principal, Mark Roy, published a peer-reviewed, research-backed article in the Summer 2023 issue of The Industrial-The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist Psychologist, the official publication of the industrial-organizational psychology division of the American Psychological Association. In “Leadership Development for Professional Services Firms,” Mark details how professional services firms can create a leadership development program tailored to a firm’s unique culture.

On August 24, Bloomberg published “Developing Effective Leaders in Law Firms,” which offers a practical, five-step process for law firm leaders to create a leadership development program that reflects their firm’s values and respects their firm’s culture.

About Breakthrough
Breakthrough Consulting Group LLC is an executive coaching and consulting firm that partners with leaders and teams to ignite breakthroughs for next-level leadership, performance, inclusion or communications. The firm’s mission is to ignite insights and create conditions that support transformational change for individuals and organizations. To learn more, please call +1 646 586 2960 or email