Mark Roy Announces Affiliations with Simier Partners and Institute of Coaching

Mark Roy Added as: Consulting Partner, Simier Partners LLC; Fellow Member, Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School

Affiliations add access to international network of executive coaches and consultants.

NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2020—Breakthrough Consulting Group LLC announced today that founder and principal Mark Roy has been added as a consulting partner with Simier Partners LLC and he has become a fellow member, Institute of Coaching (IOC), at McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate.

“Mark and I had the good fortune to work together a decade ago at one of the largest law firms in the world,” said Claire Simier, Founder and Managing Principal of Simier Partners. “I was impressed by how quickly Mark earned the respect of our internal clients, and I know that Simier Partners' clients will also benefit from Mark’s authenticity, instinct and experience. I’m thrilled to once again collaborate and work with Mark; he’s a great addition to our team of consulting partners."

“Throughout my career, I have valued working with colleagues around the world at international organizations,” said Mark Roy, Founder and Principal of Breakthrough Consulting Group. “As a Consulting Partner at Simier Partners I can now partner with other Columbia University-trained executive coaches and consultants in Europe, Asia and the U.S. Moreover, as a Fellow Member at the Institute of Coaching at McLean, Harvard Medical School Affiliate, I have access to the latest research into the science of coaching along with a global network of exceptional executive coaches.”

According to the 2020 edition of Executive Coaching for Results, the most prominent type of coaching in 2020 was leadership development (93%), followed by executive presence (47%) and transitions (37%). Additional research shows that the ROI from coaching is substantial: ranging from greater than 100% on the low end, according to a study by PwC, to a return of $7.88 for every $1.00 spent on executive coaching according to MatrixGlobal LLC.

“Given the high stakes and expense for law firms to recruit lateral partners and groups, savvy firms and lateral partners themselves are turning to executive coaching to help expedite integration,” Roy said. “Executive coaching accelerates the time required for leaders to achieve full performance and deliver business results, including an 86% increase in productivity, on average, according to research from the International Personnel Management Association.”

Executive coaching for lateral partner integration helps mitigate the risk law firms face when recruiting lateral partners. Research shows that 85% of Am Law 200 firms rely on lateral partner recruiting as part of their revenue growth strategy, yet nearly a quarter of such partners—and their revenue—are gone within three years and 40% within five years of being recruited.

About Breakthrough Consulting Group LLC
Breakthrough Consulting Group LLC is an executive coaching and consulting firm that helps leaders and teams get from where they are to where they want to be. We ignite breakthroughs with senior executives and organizations striving for next-level leadership, performance, inclusion or communications. For more information, please visit:

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